legal 500 new2023 osborne clarke ntherlands Algemeen

Osborne Clarke in Legal 500

All teams of Osborne Clarke Netherlands are ranked in the 2023 edition of The Legal 500.

All teams of Osborne Clarke Netherlands are ranked in the 2023 edition of The Legal 500. In total we are mentioned in 12 different categories. We are very proud of this achievement and we thank our clients for their trust and fantastic feedback:

"Outstanding team – extremely knowledgeable and trustworthy, a great combination to work with."

"Osborne Clarke stands out as a practical law firm, which delivers useful responses in a cost-efficient and timely manner. The team is down to earth and easy to approach. Osborne Clarke excels in assisting with global matters."

"Compared to other firms, Osborne Clarke’s works in a more agile manner, which serves the client in the best way."

We are ranked in the following categories:

  • Banking & Finance: Financial Services Regulatory
  • Banking & Finance: Borrower Side
  • Commercial, Corporate and M&A
  • Data Privacy & Data Protection
  • Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation
  • Employment
  • FinTech
  • Industry focus: Information Technology
  • Industry focus: Retail
  • Investment Funds
  • Real Estate
  • Tax

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